I’m hoping to pre-order your newest book on unlikely mentors. And I’m hoping you’re finding some scraps of time to work on the sequel to Scavengers. I know, I’m greedy.

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Home grown oats make the eggs and chickens taste better. Sometimes learning how is the only reason you need.

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Great to hear that Tom is still with us- I caught the Michael Perry bug kind of late in your career maybe 22 years ago or so, somewhere around or between Coop and Visiting Tom. Thankfully no one has come up with a cure for this ailment yet- probably never will find one in my lifetime- I hope, anyway.

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I tried using a scythe once, it was a disaster. I found that to be proficient at it, you have to be taught the intricacies of it by a real master of the art - a farmer.

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Two things; You're the only "farmer" I have ever heard make cutting oats sound romantic! And I'm glad you said no to Oprah! Tell Tom we are all thinking of him.

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Brings back memories of my dad and his tales. Hits the heart.

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Enjoyable piece and nice to hear about Tom.

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