Ironic to be killed by my own books LOL It reminds me of rocketing down the highway between Waterford and East Troy in a customer's Lexus at about 125 mph and I wondered if my obituary would state, "Killed in a Lexus driven by a manic-depressive idiot". Funny how you get more sense as you age.
When my kids were young we bought a well used Plymouth Voyager minivan from family members that knew we needed cheap transportation. For some crazy reason we decided to visit my sister in central Florida. It was burning a fair amount of oil on the way down, but on the way back we had to put first 1 quart of oil in per tankful of gas and then 2 quarts per tankful. Needless to say there was a plume of blue smoke following us wherever we went. The Plymouth could barely do 55 and it was soon put out to pasture.
We finally stopped carrying oil with us in 2019 after purchasing a brand new Subaru (tuned to MPR of course) and it was disconcerting for the first year when planning for a long trip, looking longingly at the 5 quart bottle of oil in the garage and deciding to leave it behind. That took awhile to get used to, but we've never needed it. However, being a "drive-it-til-it-dies" family too, we know its not a matter of if, so much as when we'll start needing that bottle again. Drive on.
Ironic to be killed by my own books LOL It reminds me of rocketing down the highway between Waterford and East Troy in a customer's Lexus at about 125 mph and I wondered if my obituary would state, "Killed in a Lexus driven by a manic-depressive idiot". Funny how you get more sense as you age.
When my kids were young we bought a well used Plymouth Voyager minivan from family members that knew we needed cheap transportation. For some crazy reason we decided to visit my sister in central Florida. It was burning a fair amount of oil on the way down, but on the way back we had to put first 1 quart of oil in per tankful of gas and then 2 quarts per tankful. Needless to say there was a plume of blue smoke following us wherever we went. The Plymouth could barely do 55 and it was soon put out to pasture.
We finally stopped carrying oil with us in 2019 after purchasing a brand new Subaru (tuned to MPR of course) and it was disconcerting for the first year when planning for a long trip, looking longingly at the 5 quart bottle of oil in the garage and deciding to leave it behind. That took awhile to get used to, but we've never needed it. However, being a "drive-it-til-it-dies" family too, we know its not a matter of if, so much as when we'll start needing that bottle again. Drive on.
I think you’ve already covered contradicting yourself. Then again, you could have been wrong.